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Join Thousands Who Achieved Their Dream Bodies: Get Results With Our Weight Loss Program!

   Watch This Short Video For A One-Time Deal!

00:14 - How Teresa Lost 88 Pounds And Transformed

She transformed her body, her health, and most importantly... she transformed her life!

03:00 - Why Your Success Is Practically Guaranteed

Regardless of where you start from or what your ultimate goal is.  I can get you there and the beauty is…. The results are LONG TERM!

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05:35 - Was It Rigged Against You?

You have been lied to, promised the moon but never really got any results because of these tactics

09:19 - Why This Changes Everything For Good

With this in your hands you will stay on the winning side, even if you have to give in to what you can't control.
This alone can make all the difference in your success.


What you lost comes back, and fast…

You're all jacked up and raring to go!  You are SUPER motivated and totally READY to throw these unwanted pounds off like Super Woman!
This time is DIFFERENT! It all starts extremely well, until... 

... A few weeks later, you stand on that scale you started to love, only to see that all those pounds you fought so hard for.... 
...these horrible pounds are back! 
You just want to smash that thing now!

Your heart sinks to the floor. You're in the same frustrating situation you found yourself in before every time you wanted to lose weight.

I've heard these heartbreaking stories over and over again. And just like you...


The idea is great, the framework not...

The idea is great, the framework not...

It looked all great. You did your checks, you read the testimonials and it seemed all legit.

And somehow, after a great start, you find yourself where you started and you start to wonder...

Doubt creeps in and you think it's all you. Maybe you are destined (or is it cursed) to have a "round" shape?


Listen, I’m not saying that other weight loss programs don’t work, they do, at least for some women…

But for most they don't, especially not for long term results. 

And it's not you! Most weight loss programs are one solution has to fit all. They are rigid, not flexible and NOT ADAPTED to YOU.

Everyone is different so everyone needs a different approach. 

You TOO deserve a chance at a better life with a slimmer body.

You’re left at your own devices…

Most affordable, off the shelf weight loss programs are “Do It Yourself” models. Which is more like "Go And Figure It Out On Your Own".

You get an app, or a few emails, or some sort of access on a site, you have to log in and figure it all out on your own.

There is no guidance, no explanation and no motivation nor help when you hit a rough patch.

You know from previous weight loss attempts, it seems easy but it is far from easy.

To succeed and keep those unwanted pounds from coming back, you need help, you need support and you need encouragement.

This is NOT a battle you fight on your own and expect to win.

You’re left at your own devices…

Most affordable, off the shelf weight loss programs are “Do It Yourself” models. Which is more like "Go And Figure It Out On Your Own".

You get an app, or a few emails, or some sort of access on a site, you have to log in and figure it all out on your own.

There is no guidance, no explanation and no motivation nor help when you hit a rough patch.

You know from previous weight loss attempts, it seems easy but it is far from easy.

To succeed and keep those unwanted pounds from coming back, you need help, you need support and you need encouragement.

This is NOT a battle you fight on your own and expect to win.

That’s why I created a personal framework with a system where you get weekly guidance and explanation with a supportive community to give you a helping hand...

The Fat Incinerator System 

The Only Guaranteed Weight Loss System With LIFETIME Coaching Calls, Accountability Check Ins And PERSONAL Guidance

Proven Results

Joanna P. 

  •  She lost 30 lbs and 20 inches combined
  • Had been trying without success to break her weight loss plateau, until she started working with me!
  • She still enjoyed her social drinks during the process

Allison D.

  •  She lost 12 lbs in 8 short weeks
  • Had been trying on and off for 6 years without much success, until she started working with me!
  • She learned more about nutrition than she ever had, even went on vacation and enjoying herself

Caitlyn C.

  •  She wanted to get her nutrition back on track
  • Focused on losing fat she gained over the last few years but she couldn't do it on her own
  • Accomplished her goals while working at a pizza restaurant

Melissa N.

  •  She wanted to get back to her pre-pregnancy weight
  •  She lost 24 lbs and dramatically increased her energy levels and could keep up with the kids now!
  • She feels a lot better about herself now and even taught her husband how to track his nutrition

Kristina V.

  •  At 42 she wanted to focus on fat loss
  • She suffered from hormone issues, bad knees and a stress full work environment
  • First time in 6 years she felt she looked fabulous for a New Year's party

Autumn K.

  •  She lost 11 lbs, toned her body despite a busy life
  •  She tried several fitness challenges before but found it hard to stick to what they required
  • She struggled with cravings during her monthly cycle but managed to get consistent results

Here’s Everything You Get With The Fat Incinerator System

LIFETIME Access To Weekly Coaching Calls & Check-Ins 

  • LIVE Weekly Check-In 
  • In-depth Tailored To Individual Needs
  • Ask Me Anything Q&A Sessions
  • LIVE Weekly Check-In 
  • In-depth Tailored To Individual Needs
  • Ask Me Anything Q&A Sessions

LIFETIME Flow of NEW Meal Plans (52 per year!) 

  • Weekly Brand New Meal Plan
  • Clear And Easy To Follow Instructions
  • All Plans Are Tailored To Personal Needs
  • Weekly Brand New Meal Plan
  • Clear And Easy To Follow Instructions
  • All Plans Are Tailored To Personal Needs

LIFETIME Flow of Recipes And Grocery List (52 per year!)

  • Weekly New Recipes
  • Never Run Out Of Cooking Ideas
  • With Grocery List, Know Exactly What To Buy
  • Weekly New Recipes
  • Never Run Out Of Cooking Ideas
  • With Grocery List, Know Exactly What To Buy

Metabolic Specific Work Out Videos (52 per year!)

  • Weekly New Metabolic Workout
  • Specifically Designed For Massive Calorie Burn
  • Lose Fat Faster & Improves Health Faster
  • Weekly New Metabolic Workout
  • Specifically Designed For Massive Calorie Burn
  • Lose Fat Faster & Improves Health Faster

Weekly New Workout Challenge Videos (52 per year!)

  • Weekly New Challenge Video
  • Clear Demonstrations Of Each Exercise
  • Builds Confidence With Stellar Results
  • Weekly New Challenge Video
  • Clear Demonstrations Of Each Exercise
  • Builds Confidence With Stellar Results

PLUS You Get These 5 AMAZING Bonuses INCLUDED! 

BONUS #1 - The Ultimate At Home Workout Guide ($197 Value)

Every easy exercise in this guide can be done in the comfort of your home. 

Workouts are specifically designed to tone your body faster, losing inches easier than you ever would in any stuffy gym.

Say goodbye to your expensive gym membership with this incredible guide and work on your body any time that is convenient for your schedule.

The Ultimate at Home Workout Guide is packed with easy to do exercises without needing ANY equipment.

BONUS #2 - The Stressed Dieter's Guide To Food Choices That Are Quick And Easy (Value $47)

This guide helps to make it super simple for you to decide what to eat in case you get stuck for ideas.
It lists out all the best food options and combinations, making it quick and easy to make your food decisions simple.
On top of that, it teaches you the ins and outs of calories, and nutrients, helping you gain more knowledge about food.

BONUS #3 - The Overeaters Guide To Weight Loss While Traveling (Value $297)

You can’t always eat at home!
This guide is designed to give you the tools you need to make stress-free food decisions, and successfully shed weight while traveling, vacationing, or in social situations if you’re away from home.
This guide is the ultimate resource for when you don’t want to think about what to eat or where to eat if away from home, and eating out.
There are over 1,500 menu items from hundreds of drive-thru, fast casual, and sit-down restaurants that are the go-to picks to help you drop weight while eating out

BONUS #4 - Decoded: Supplements for Weight Loss (Value $37)

You don’t need to take any supplements with The Fat Incinerator System.
However, some people like to add them in, and I’d rather see you make informed decisions based on science, not publicity or worse… “someone told me this is great”…
This Bonus Guide teaches you about what vitamins and minerals are essential for your
body’s health, and how they can help aid with weight loss, IF you chose to
use them.

BONUS #5 - Members Only Facebook Community (Priceless)

This is a safe space to feel supported in your weight loss journey, build your confidence, knowledge, and achieve your weekly weight loss success.
We are all in this together, and we cheer you on, or comfort you in those difficult moments we all have.

Total Value: $1575+

Join Today For Just:



EVERYTHING You Get When You Join The Fat Incinerator Program Today!

EVERYTHING You Get When You Join The Fat Incinerator Program Today!

  LIFETIME Access To Weekly Coaching Calls & Check-Ins 

  LIFETIME Flow of NEW Meal Plans (52 per year!) 

  LIFETIME Flow of Recipes And Grocery List (52 per year!)

  Metabolic Specific Work Out Videos (52 per year!)

  Weekly New Workout Challenge Videos (52 per year!)


  BONUS #1 - The Ultimate At Home Workout Guide ($197 Value)

  BONUS #2 - The Stressed Dieter's Guide To Food Choices That Are Quick And Easy (Value $47)

  BONUS #3 - The Overeaters Guide To Weight Loss While Traveling (Value $297)

  BONUS #4 - Decoded: Supplements for Weight Loss (Value $37)

  BONUS #5 - Members Only Facebook Community (Priceless!)

Total Value: $1575+

Join Today For Just:



My 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 
Or Your Money Back!

If for any reason you are not happy with the content of this guide, or you don't find any value whatsoever inside, simply email me at and I will refund you every single penny.

No questions asked and you even get to keep your guide!
Coach Jez Carter - All Rights Reserved @ 2023 & Beyond
* DISCLAIMER: Some weight loss results featured on this website are not typical. The average person can expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds weekly following the methods we teach but there is no guarantee any weight loss will occur. Results vary because of many factors, including food eaten, water consumed, and sleep quantity. This website does not provide medical or healthcare advice. Consult with your physician before making any dietary or other health-related changes.
This site is not a part of Google™ website or network of sites such as Youtube™ or any company owned by Google™ or Youtube™ Additionally this website is not endorsed by Google™ Youtube™ or Facebook Inc. in any way. Google™ is a trademark for all their respective companies, FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.